
Student Absences, Lates, and Arriving on Time: 

Please remember to call the school (778-726-5555) or send an email to if your child is going to be late or away due to illness, appointments, or vacation. This helps us account for all students and ensures that everyone is safe. We encourage you to call the school before 8:00 am to leave a message. The school only has two phone lines. We experience a higher volume of calls between 8:00 and 9:00 am.

We also encourage you to make sure that your children arrive to school on time every day. This will not only lessen disruptions in the classroom, but more importantly, will ensure that your child will have a smooth and calm start to their day. The time to establish a culture for arriving on time is now while children are still in elementary school. Thank you for your support!

Please Note:

If your child needs to leave for an appointment we require the parent/guardian to come into the office to sign him/her out and advise staff of their leaving. If your child is being picked up by someone different than the usual person, please ensure you let the office and teacher know.

Donna Gabriel Robins Elementary

7844 204B Street, Langley
BC, V2Y 3N9
Phone: 778-726-5555